Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Andrew's 1st Day of School

School is officially in session, and I'm going to miss our lazy Summer days. We were out of the house bright and early to bring Andrew to his first day at Lollipop School. This year he is in Group 4. His teacher is Miss Nikki and the assistants are Miss Nancy and Miss Kim. He was very happy when he arrived in his classroom and saw his friend, Michael. After school, Andrew said, "That was fun. I want to go every day!" I'm going to store that one in my memory bank!
We had an awesome afternoon with the Zingarelli's! It was a gorgeous day, and we soaked up the Summer sun! We enjoyed a delicious lunch, and our little sweethearts played at the water table and in the sprinkler. Grace and Bella even gave us a fashion show. Can't believe my big girl will be modeling her uniform tomorrow!
My "Little Man" looked so handsome for his first day! I'm going to miss him Tuesday-Friday mornings! I hope he has a great year!
Andrew was psyched to find out that he shares his cubby with Michael!
When I left, Jaedan, Michael, Andrew, and Tyler were having a blast at the LEGO table!
Andrew and his teacher, Miss Nikki
They had so much fun trying on clothes! I love these little divas!

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