Sunday, August 12, 2012

We Love LAVA!

We've just returned from another lovely weekend in Lavallette! We just can't seem to get enough of the Jersey Shore! Terry welcomed us into her home for the third time this Summer, and this time both Aunt Dana and Uncle Vito joined in on the fun! Yesterday was overcast, but we still made it to the beach for a bit. It turned out to be a very relaxing day complete with walks along the boardwalk, a trip to the park along Bay Boulevard, and visits to two of our favorite spots, Colonial Bakery and Iceberg Ice Cream. Once our babies fell asleep, we enjoyed some cocktails and conversation with Dana and Vito overlooking the bay. We were fortunate to get such a perfect beach day today! Terry cooked us a delicious breakfast this morning, and then we headed to the bay beach and park for some fun. We spent the afternoon at the beach with Terry, Aunt Dana, and Uncle Vito. It was a wonderful weekend! I'm looking forward to our week long trip to LBI at the end of the month!
As soon as we hit the beach, Grace hit the ground and made some "sand angels."
Grace and Andrew had so much fun playing in the sand this weekend! Grace loves to bury her legs!
Daddy's Girl
Kate loves being in Terry's arms!
Big Bird cupcakes... YUM!
Everyone had such a great time on the swings tonight... even Daddy! Kate is such a friendly baby! She loves to wave. When we walked along the boardwalk yesterday, I realized that she waved to every single person that walked towards her!
Team Colonna
We had a relaxing morning at the bay beach. The water was so much warmer and calmer by the bay!
Grace and Andrew enjoyed their picnic lunch at the beach this afternoon.
Grace is such an entertainer! It's funny how you don't even think twice, when a child asks you to put a bucket on your head, you put it on your head!

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