Thursday, August 16, 2012

Last Swim Lesson

Grace and Andrew had their last swim lesson today, and they've come a long way during these last two sessions. Grace can officially swim! Miss Melanie said that she will be in the "red group" next Summer, and we're hoping that she will join the swim team, too. Grace has been fortunate to have Miss Melanie as her swim instructor for the last 3 years. Andrew enjoyed his first year of swim lessons in the "big pool." He's doing a great job kicking, making bubbles, moving his arms, and learning how to back float. He's not crazy about going all the way under water, but he will do it on occasion (usually when we're playing "Ring Around the Rosie"). I'm so proud of my little fishies! 
Andrew looks so cute when he does the back float.
Grace can swim to the rope all by herself!
Grace and Andrew LOVE their swim teacher, Miss Melanie!

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