Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

We had a wonderful day celebrating all of the amazing men in our lives! Dan started his day at the golf course. While he was golfing, the kids and I were preparing for Daddy's return. They made him beautiful artwork and helped me bake chocolate chip cookies. When he arrived home, they were dressed in all their Daddy gear! Grace and Katherine wore their matching "Daddy's Little Cupcake" shirts, and Andrew wore his "Daddy's Caddy" shirt.
Grace, Andrew, and Katherine have been blessed with the best Daddy ever! I love watching him with our children! Happy Father's Day! We love you! xoxo 
At Lollipop School, Grace made Dan an adorable toolbox card, which read "I couldn't have built a better Dad." She also wrote and illustrated a thoughtful, book entitled, "My Dad."
After Mass, we visited LuLu and Pop. Pop loved the beautiful picture that Grace colored for him. He's our MVP "Most Valuable Pop!"
 I love you, Daddy! xoxo
We had a fun afternoon celebrating at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ronnie's house. There were four generations of Colonna men... Poppy, Grandpa, Dan, and Andrew. 
Grace and Andrew had a great time swimming with Daddy! We're looking forward to swimming at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ronnie's again at their upcoming 4th of July barbecue.  
We also celebrated Nanny's 83rd birthday! She was so happy to be surrounded by her 4 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Grace and Andrew had so much fun playing with their cousins, John, Henry, and Riley, this afternoon. 
Poppy and Andrew
Grace was so excited to give Dan the gift that she crafted at school!

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