Monday, February 14, 2011

A Whole Lotta Love

We had such a wonderful Valentine's Day! Aunt Maylene and Olivia joined us at storytime this morning, and then they came back to our house for a playdate:-) We had lots of fun together! Afterwards, we made special chocolate chip cookies for "Daddy," and Grace made him a very fancy, sparkly Valentine. Dan came home early from work and spoiled us with gorgeous flowers and delicious chocolates from Chocolates With Love. It was a treat having him home early, because we were able to have a Family Date Night at Bellissimo! It was a LOVEly dinner, and I enjoyed spending it with my 3 favorite Valentine's! We're fortunate to have so much love in our lives and such fabulous family and friends to share it with! xoxo
After storytime, Olivia and Aunt Maylene came over for a playdate! We had such a fun afternoon together! It's tricky trying to get these little cuties together for a picture!
Grace and I love the gorgeous roses we received from our Valentines... "Daddy" and Andrew.
My little man wore an "I HEART MOMMY" shirt today:-) He melts my heart! He's such a lovebug! I love his hugs and kisses!
Daddy and his cutie pies!
Daddy's little girl!

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