Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eligible Bachelor

Grace and Andrew have been wearing their Valentine gear all week, and today, I enjoyed a date an extremely handsome "Eligible Bachelor!" I love spending my Wednesday mornings with my Little Man. He was ridiculously active at JW Tumbles this morning. He can climb all the way to the top of the jungle gym and go down the big slide all by himself, and he loves hanging from the monkey bars. I can't believe what a big boy he's becoming! After class, we headed to the Montvale Library for Storytime. Andrew enjoyed listening to songs, playing the cymbals and drum, and shaking his scarf. Andrew is so much like his Daddy. He's sweet, agile, and fun to be around!
Hey ladies... this "Eligible Bachelor" is learning the grocery shopping basics:-)
Andrew and his friends had a great time riding on top of the parachute while we sang "The Wheels on the Bus."

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