Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Eve

We spent our day with lots of loved ones! After Mass, this morning we met LuLu and Pop at The Ridge Diner for a pre-Valentine's Day breakfast. We had fun spending time together, exchanging Valentine's, and Grace and Andrew loved reading their new books with LuLu! This afternoon, Kiley came over for a playdate. She's such a little cutie pie, and Grace and Andrew vied for her attention. We ended the day at Nana and Grandpa's for a delicious Sunday dinner, and while we were there, we shared our "new baby" news with Nanny, Poppy, Dana, Vito, and Terry.
Pop's little Love Bug
LuLu and her Eligible Bachelor
Andrew's lunch date with Kiley
Grace has been a Valentine Making Machine this month!
Nana and Grandpa celebrate every holiday like it's Christmas! Grace and Andrew had fun opening lots of fun new gifts!
Grace, Vito, and a "box a doughnuts" This was Grace's favorite gift of the day!
This was our attempt to get a picture of Grace and Andrew with their Great-Grandparents. Hey, at least they're all in the photo...
Aunt Dana always makes the most delicious treats!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dee, Congrats on the news!! Moving from man to man to zone.... whooo hooo!! Andrew looks like he LOVES his doughnuts.
