Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Draft Pick

It's official...we have drafted a new player to Team Colonna! Our "Family of 4" is soon-to-be a "Party of 5!" We met with the ultrasound technician and Dr. Schwarz this afternoon, and we were told that everything looks good thus far... thank God! We heard the heartbeat and the rate was 137 beats per minute. This is much closer to Andrew's rate (130's) compared to Grace's (150's). It's always fun guessing whether we'll have a boy or girl, but we won't find out the sex until we get close to our September 21st due date. More than anything we are praying for a healthy and happy baby! We are so excited to meet our little peanut! It's hard to believe that we'll soon switch from man to man defense to zone defense!
Baby Colonna's 1st picture
We love you sweetheart! xoxo

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