Sunday, February 27, 2011

Maggie's Big Day

After Mass this morning, we headed to Brooklyn Heights to celebrate Maggie's 2nd birthday! Grace and Andrew had a fabulous time playing at the NY Kid's Club with the birthday girl and all of her friends. The venue was great! The kids had fun playing on all the equipment, dancing to the music, and playing with the parachute. They were also psyched when it was time for pizza and cake! After the party, we headed back to Mark and Heather's apartment. It was such a gorgeous day! The children had a wonderful time running around on the terrace. On our way home, we stopped at Nana and Grandpa's for Sunday dinner. It was a fun day from start to finish:-)
Grace braved the balance beam:-)
Just hanging around...
Here's the birthday girl (surrounded by some of her cousins and friends).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Afternoon Playdate

We had a fun filled Thursday afternoon! After Andrew and I picked Grace up from school, we headed to DePiero's Farm for lunch, and then we had a playdate at "Jake's house." The kiddies had a great afternoon, and I had fun catching up with the Mommies.
Grace, Jake, Andrew, and Sam

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tubby Time

Recently, the Colonna's have been feeling a bit under the weather, and we've come to the conclusion that the best medicine is laughter! Tubby time always puts a smile on our children's faces... especially tonight! Grace had Andrew in hysterics. It was so good to see our Little Man happy because the poor little guy has been on and off antibiotics for the last month for croup and an ear infection.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Storm

We have had so much snow this Winter! It reminds us the Winter we had during our senior year in high school. Although whenever we had snow, we had a snow day. Grace hasn't even had a delayed opening at Lollipop School. Mr. Jim opens no matter what! We received great packing snow. Daddy and the kids made Frosty, snow angels, and a slide! It was a fun afternoon:-)
Andrew's Cheerio bowl was his hat of choice this morning. Later in the day, he put on his winter cap and played in the snow with Daddy and Grace.
While they were playing outside, they had so much fun together!
Grace and Daddy created their very own slide in our backyard, or you could call it sledding without the sled!
Grace and Daddy each made snow angels:-)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Family Time at Friendly's

We decided to have another family date night tonight! Dan and I couldn't believe it took us this long to take Grace and Andrew for their 1st Friendly's ice cream sundaes! When Danny and I were dating as teenagers we used to walk to the Friendly's down the street from my parent's house all the time! It was fun to reminisce and make new memories with our babies!
Mommy's date for the night!
Daddy and his date:-)
Grace's 1st "Cone Head" sundae.
Andrew tried to get in as much ice-cream as humanly possible!
Good to the last drop!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Whole Lotta Love

We had such a wonderful Valentine's Day! Aunt Maylene and Olivia joined us at storytime this morning, and then they came back to our house for a playdate:-) We had lots of fun together! Afterwards, we made special chocolate chip cookies for "Daddy," and Grace made him a very fancy, sparkly Valentine. Dan came home early from work and spoiled us with gorgeous flowers and delicious chocolates from Chocolates With Love. It was a treat having him home early, because we were able to have a Family Date Night at Bellissimo! It was a LOVEly dinner, and I enjoyed spending it with my 3 favorite Valentine's! We're fortunate to have so much love in our lives and such fabulous family and friends to share it with! xoxo
After storytime, Olivia and Aunt Maylene came over for a playdate! We had such a fun afternoon together! It's tricky trying to get these little cuties together for a picture!
Grace and I love the gorgeous roses we received from our Valentines... "Daddy" and Andrew.
My little man wore an "I HEART MOMMY" shirt today:-) He melts my heart! He's such a lovebug! I love his hugs and kisses!
Daddy and his cutie pies!
Daddy's little girl!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Eve

We spent our day with lots of loved ones! After Mass, this morning we met LuLu and Pop at The Ridge Diner for a pre-Valentine's Day breakfast. We had fun spending time together, exchanging Valentine's, and Grace and Andrew loved reading their new books with LuLu! This afternoon, Kiley came over for a playdate. She's such a little cutie pie, and Grace and Andrew vied for her attention. We ended the day at Nana and Grandpa's for a delicious Sunday dinner, and while we were there, we shared our "new baby" news with Nanny, Poppy, Dana, Vito, and Terry.
Pop's little Love Bug
LuLu and her Eligible Bachelor
Andrew's lunch date with Kiley
Grace has been a Valentine Making Machine this month!
Nana and Grandpa celebrate every holiday like it's Christmas! Grace and Andrew had fun opening lots of fun new gifts!
Grace, Vito, and a "box a doughnuts" This was Grace's favorite gift of the day!
This was our attempt to get a picture of Grace and Andrew with their Great-Grandparents. Hey, at least they're all in the photo...
Aunt Dana always makes the most delicious treats!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines Photo Shoot

I took Grace and Andrew to Picture People this morning for a photo shoot in their Valentine's Day gear:-) Grace was such a little diva. She posed for tons of beautiful shots on her own while I chased Andrew around the studio. Grace is such an amazing big sister. She's so loving, and this picture captures them very well. We kicked off Valentine's Weekend with a Family Date Night at Brooklyn's Pizzeria and Crumbs. I look forward to a relaxing weekend with my 3 favorite Valentines.
Our little sweethearts:-)
Grace was more than happy to pose for the camera!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eligible Bachelor

Grace and Andrew have been wearing their Valentine gear all week, and today, I enjoyed a date an extremely handsome "Eligible Bachelor!" I love spending my Wednesday mornings with my Little Man. He was ridiculously active at JW Tumbles this morning. He can climb all the way to the top of the jungle gym and go down the big slide all by himself, and he loves hanging from the monkey bars. I can't believe what a big boy he's becoming! After class, we headed to the Montvale Library for Storytime. Andrew enjoyed listening to songs, playing the cymbals and drum, and shaking his scarf. Andrew is so much like his Daddy. He's sweet, agile, and fun to be around!
Hey ladies... this "Eligible Bachelor" is learning the grocery shopping basics:-)
Andrew and his friends had a great time riding on top of the parachute while we sang "The Wheels on the Bus."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stories, Songs, and Silliness

We look forward to Stories With Sarah on Monday mornings at the Pearl River Library, and the last two Mondays have been even more fun to anticipate because Aunt Maylene and Olivia join us now. Grace and Andrew love spending time with their cousin! It's so cute to watch the three of them acting out the motions to the rhymes, dancing to the music, and catching bubbles! It's a shame that next Monday will be the last class this Winter.
Aunt Maylene captured this shot last Monday! Surprisingly, Maylene takes even more pictures than me!
They were very intent during the "ABC Train."
Andrew loves storytime!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Draft Pick

It's official...we have drafted a new player to Team Colonna! Our "Family of 4" is soon-to-be a "Party of 5!" We met with the ultrasound technician and Dr. Schwarz this afternoon, and we were told that everything looks good thus far... thank God! We heard the heartbeat and the rate was 137 beats per minute. This is much closer to Andrew's rate (130's) compared to Grace's (150's). It's always fun guessing whether we'll have a boy or girl, but we won't find out the sex until we get close to our September 21st due date. More than anything we are praying for a healthy and happy baby! We are so excited to meet our little peanut! It's hard to believe that we'll soon switch from man to man defense to zone defense!
Baby Colonna's 1st picture
We love you sweetheart! xoxo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crafty Valentines

We crafted 25 Valentines this afternoon for Grace's classmates and teachers. We made pink ones for the girls and white ones for the boys. Each Valentine is a little different. Grace took great care placing each sticker, and she did a good job with the glitter, too:-) It was a fun and heartwarming activity for a cold, icy day!
Ta Da!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dance Friends

The snow couldn't keep us from dance class this afternoon! As always, Grace had a wonderful time dancing with her girlfriends.
Amanda and Grace
Amanda, Grace, and Grace