Sunday, January 9, 2011

Party Time Round 3

Grace has been receiving the "royal" treatment in honor of her birthday! Sunday dinner at Nana and Grandpa's was extra special tonight! Bernadette Grace enjoyed her third 3rd birthday celebration:-) Nana made Grace's favorite meal... "Nana meatballs," and Grace received majestic gifts including: a Disney princess snow globe, an Ariel dress, a Belle top, a princess outfit, a deluxe Cinderella carriage, and an adorable bikini. Grace was beaming all evening! She certainly likes being the center of attention, and she enthusiastically informed everyone that she saw Mary Poppins yesterday! Terry, Anthony, Rachel, James, and Jenna joined us for dessert! We enjoyed another wonderful celebration, and we're looking forward to Grace's birthday party with all of her little friends next weekend!
Dan and I special ordered this cake from Magnolia Bakery, while we were in NYC yesterday. It was delicious!!!
Aunt Dana gave Grace the most beautiful princess snow globe ever made!
She had so much fun playing with her birthday balloon!
Grace took this photo! She's getting good!
Aunt Terry bought Grace a gorgeous princess outfit! Can you tell how much she loves it?
Grace and James
Jenna and Grace

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