Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our Little Ballerina

Grace was so excited for her 1st dance class this afternoon. When she woke up this morning, she didn't want to go to Lollipop School. She wanted to go straight to dance class. After school, we came home for lunch and a photo shoot before heading to Anita Ehrler's Dance Extensions. If you were to ask Grace about her dance role models, she would tell you that she wants to dance like Angelina Ballerina and the Rockettes. I was very proud of Grace this afternoon! She's such a beautiful ballerina. By the end of class, she was following her teacher's instructions and dancing along to Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World." I LOVE watching Grace dance, and I hope that she will continue to enjoy taking this ballet and tap class:-)
Ta Da! It's time for dance class!
Grace and her teacher, Miss Stephanie
Grace and her best friend, Madeline. I'm so happy that they're in class together!
Look! She's following the teacher's directions:-) (Yes, I took some of these photos through the blinds. During class time, we're not allowed in the studio.)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you took some photos through the blinds! My only wish is someone could have taken a photo of you taking the photo through the blinds!
