Tuesday, January 4, 2011

On the Eve of Your 3rd Birthday...

Dear Bernadette Grace,
I love being your Mommy! You have brought us so much happiness! It's hard to believe that 3 years ago, at this time, we were still living in London. The night before you were born Daddy and I went on a date to one of our favorite Asian restaurants, Eight Over Eight, and then we headed to a movie on the Kings Road. During the movie, I remember wondering if the food didn't agree with me. Then, I whispered in Daddy's ear, "I think I might be in labor?" As you know, I'm never on time (your due date was January 8th), so we figured that it must have been the food. We enjoyed the rest of the movie, and proceeded to walk to our home at 16 Culford Gardens. In the middle of the night, I showered and woke Daddy up, and I told him that we needed to go to the hospital. We took a London Black Cab to The Portland Hospital, and Dr. Patrick O'Brien delivered you at 11:18 PM.

From the moment you came into our lives, you have filled our hearts with joy! You were such a sweet baby. I used to love taking you for walks all over London. During your first few months, Daddy and I enjoyed taking you on lots of fun trips including: Spain, Croatia, France, and Cyprus. You've always loved being read to and sung to. Tonight before I put you to sleep, I rocked with you and sang your two favorites, "You Are My Sunshine" and "Hush Little Baby." You love to sing and dance! You're always smiling, and you're such a little sweetheart. You're very gentle and imaginative. You are so much fun to be around. I am so thankful to be "a stay at home Mom." I can't imagine not spending all of my time with you and Andrew. You're such a wonderful big sister. You're crazy about Andrew, and you've already begun to look out for him. You are one of life's greatest Blessings! I thank God for you every single day. I wish you a life full of health and happiness. Happy 3rd birthday, sweetheart! "I love you to the moon and back!" xoxo
Love always,
Moments after your birth...
1st Birthday
2nd Birthday

1 comment:

  1. I remember being at your flat when she was so little and we just sat and stared at her all afternoon!
