Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birthday Princess

Grace had a grand 3rd birthday! She was genuinely excited from the moment she woke up until she conked out tonight. She has been looking forward to being the "Birthday Princess," and she decided to dress like one this morning. She looked adorable in her Rapunzel gown and was happy to pose for pictures. After our class at JW Tumbles this morning, Andrew and I joined Grace and her classmates at Lollipop School for a special birthday treat. Her teachers informed me that she received lots of compliments on her chosen attire. Her classmate, Dylan, told her she looked "dressy." She wore her personalized birthday crown with pride. Once we headed home, we began to prepare for her birthday party. We had LuLu, Pop, Nana, Nanny, Poppy, Aunt Dana, Uncle Denis, Aunt Mary, Jameson, Genny, and Shane over for princess cake, cookies, and ice cream this evening. Everyone treated Grace like royalty. She received so many fabulous gifts including: a Mary Poppins doll, princess books, a Precious Moment, American Girl pajamas (which match her Bitty Baby's), gorgeous outfits, and some beautiful dance attire. She had so much fun being the center of attention and enjoyed playing with her cousins tonight. We plan to continue celebrating until her BIG birthday party on January 16th!
This is the outfit that Grace chose to wear to school today. It's her birthday... she can dress like a princess if she wants to:-)
Grace's special birthday treat from Dunkin' Donuts.
Our table was set for a royal extravaganza!
Princess birthday cake (made with love by Mommy)
Opening gifts with Daddy:-)
Grandparents and Great-Grandparents... Grandpa got stuck working tonight:-(
Andrew provided some entertainment by showing everyone "The Situation."
Jameson and Andrew had fun shooting hoops.
My Goddaughter, Genny, and the birthday girl! xoxo
Grace loves her God Father... Uncle Denis!
Grace loves Shane-o!

Grace's birthday celebration at Lollipop School.

We had such a great time at this evening's family party!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, maybe because Gracie was born in England she likes being a princess and all things royal... and because Andrew was born in New Jersey he likes being a Jersey boy and the Situation???? Ha!
