Saturday, December 14, 2013

Welcome Elizabeth Daniela

It was a miraculous day! At 7:23 this morning, God blessed us with a beautiful baby GIRL!!! Elizabeth Daniela is 7 pounds 8.5 ounces and 21.5 inches. Danny and I were shocked. We were so convinced that we were having a boy that we didn't finalize our "girl name" until we got to the hospital. As soon as I saw her this morning, I looked at her with so much love in my heart. She's simply beautiful. I've always loved those first few moments after the birth of each of our children. When she let out her first cry, I felt such relief. I prayed so hard for a healthy baby, and I feel blessed that God has given us 4.
I wound up having an "emergency c-section." I went into labor last night, and since, I was scheduled for a c-section this morning, I figured I'd see if our little Peanut would get into position. By the time we got to the hospital, I was having contractions every 4 minutes, and I was 5 cm dilated. There was no turning this little one... I tried everything... acupuncture, moxa treatments, and all kinds of crazy positions that I saw online. She has a mark on her left ankle, and the doctors aren't quite sure if it's a birthmark, or if her foot was stuck under my pelvic bone. 
We had such a memorable first day with our little angel. She received lots of cuddles and met lots of family members! We're all amazed at how closely she resembles her big sister, Bernadette Grace. Dan and I feel so blessed! It's so nice having him here with me at the hospital the next few nights. I love having this one-on-one time with our new little angel. 
Heading to the hospital...
Daddy looked dapper in his scrubs.
The first time I kissed your sweet face. The nurse held you close to me in the operating room. I couldn't wait to hold you in my arms!
Nana, Grandpa, and Terry anxiously awaited the news of your birth!
Daddy was there for your official weigh in.
We asked Uncle Vito to be your Godfather today.
I sent this picture to Daddy when he went to pick up LuLu and your big sisters and brother. I had so much fun snuggling with you today!
Grace arrived in her "BIG SIS" shirt, and you gave her a beautiful sparkly big sister bracelet.
Kate met you briefly today. She napped most of the time in her stroller. This was the only picture I had of the two of you from today.
Andrew received Monsters University as his "big brother" gift.  
When I spoke to Andrew on the phone this morning, he choked back tears as he said, "Mom, I told you I wanted a boy!"
However, when he held you in his arms for the first time today, his eyes lit up, and he instantly fell in love with you! 
I love that face!

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