Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve

Hooray! Christmas time is here!!! We had an amazing Christmas Eve which included, cleaning the playroom (to prepare for new toys), making chocolate chips for Santa (his favorite), going to 3:00 Mass with LuLu and Pop (our first trip as the Colonna 6-pack, and Andrew snored like a blow horn the entire time), and having the family over for a memorable Christmas Eve dinner (thanks to Nana and Grandpa)!!!
Grace and Andrew did a fabulous job cleaning the playroom! They were so excited for Jameson, Genny, and Shane to come over tonight!!!
Grace helped me make delicious cookies for Santa!
Nanny met Elizabeth for the first time tonight! She was so excited to hold her 9th great-grandchild!
Nanny and the Colonna girls
Team Colonna
Nana and Grandpa made a delicious fish dinner tonight!
We were so excited that the Denis Klein family was able to join us tonight!
Elizabeth had "visions of sugarplums" dancing through her head. 
Grace and her Godfather
The kids had so much fun tonight! We loved watching them play together!

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