Friday, December 13, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

We've been looking forward to today for quite some time! Grace, Andrew, and Kate were so excited to have their best buddies, Bella and Gavin over for some Christmas festivities. Each family decorated a gingerbread house, and the littles decorated gingerbread cookies and tasted all the treats! It was a great way to spend my last day home. I've had so much fun doing Christmas activities with our little cuties this year. I'm going to miss them while I'm in the hospital the next few days, but I can not wait to meet our newest addition tomorrow!
We were well prepared!
Our little decorators (and tasters) did an amazing job!
Grace and Andrew were so proud of their gingerbread house! They worked well together, and Kate enjoyed decorating gingerbread cookies with Gavin! Hopefully, they won't get bellyaches from all the yummy treats!

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