Monday, December 30, 2013

A Klacik Visit

We were so happy to have a visit with "Laura Lou" and Cindy this afternoon! We couldn't wait to introduce Elizabeth to her future favorite babysitter! We had such a great visit! Grace was so happy to get a sparkly manicure and pedicure from Laura! She was also overjoyed that Laura brought her American Girl dolls to the house! Grace LOVES playing with her dolls, and wanted to show Laura her newest doll, Kit Kittredge. Andrew and Kate were excited to see "Laura Lou" and "her Mommy," too.  Andrew wore his favorite Ninja Turtles shirt for the occasion, and Kate dressed as Princess Aurora (she's obsessed with playing "dress ups," and whenever we're home she is fully decked out in princess gear)! Now, we look forward to introducing our newest addition to the Klacik men!
I remember holding Laura in my arms like this!!! It's amazing how quickly time flies!
I love this shot of Cindy holding Elizabeth!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Colonna Christmas Celebration

Daddy and his favorite Christmas gift!
Presents... Round 2
Andrew loves his new personalized Santa hat!
Aunt Dana and her favorite Christmas gift!

Christmas Morning