Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It has been so nice having Dan home from work! His two month garden leave couldn't have come at a better time!!! We've been organizing our new home and enjoying lots of family time together. Today we took our little sweethearts to the Legoland Discovery Center in Westchester. Andrew was in his glory! He has always loved to build! He has all types of blocks, and he tells us that when he grows up he wants to be "an architect." We enjoyed rides, exhibits, a 4D movie, and some time in the soft play area. Afterwards, we headed to Brooklyn's Pizzeria and Ben and Jerry's! What a great day! We're looking forward to lots of fun adventures with Daddy this Summer!
When we arrived, Grace and Andrew enjoyed playing with all the gadgets in the Lego Factory Tour.
The Kingdom Quest Laser Ride was our favorite ride of the day! We went on it twice!
The spectacular MINILAND was made from nearly 1.5 million LEGO bricks. The New York Skyline looked amazing, and Daddy had fun pointing out lots of fun spots near his "workshop."
Dan and I took turns taking Grace and Andrew on Merlin's Apprentice Ride.

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