Sunday, March 10, 2013

Nanny Cookies

Before heading to Nana and Grandpa's for Sunday dinner, we stopped at Nanny's for a visit. When we arrived, we smelt freshly baked cookies. When we saw them cooling on the rack, Grace was quick to ask Nanny if she could help decorate them. Nanny was happy to have helpers in her kitchen. Grace and Andrew learned how to make icing, dip cookies, and saturate them in sprinkles. Nanny sent us home with a whole platter of our favorite treat... "Nanny Cookies!"
I'm sure this will be a memorable day for Grace and Andrew. They are so fortunate to have a Great-Grandmother!
They had so much fun together! This was such a great activity! We look forward to making cookies with Nanny again soon!
Kate was the "official cookie taster."

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