Saturday, March 16, 2013


I can't believe my baby is already a year and a half!!! I wish we could freeze time! I absolutely love this age! Katherine is becoming quite a talker, and she put 3 words together for the first time the other day. She looked at Daddy, and said (clear as day), "I love you!" Kate loves being sung to and read to, and she's crazy about her big sister and brother. She enjoys her Tumbles class and playing with her friends Gavin, Ethan, and Jacqueline. Katherine brings us so much joy. Her smile lights the room. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us these next 6 months! I love you Katie Kate! xoxo
Who's ONE and a HALF? "Me!"
We sang Happy Birthday to our sweet Katherine Rose over green bagels this morning. It's going to be a very festive weekend!

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