Sunday, March 17, 2013

Irish Eyes Are Smiling

We had an amazing St. Patrick's Day from start to finish! Before heading to Mass, we had a delicious pancake breakfast, which was crashed by a leprechaun. Somehow, he managed to put green sprinkles in our pancakes, and he got away before we could catch him! Despite the cold, we had a fun-filled afternoon at the Pearl River St. Patrick's Day Parade. We enjoyed watching the parade with the Walsh, Barry, and Zingarelli families, and we cheered when we saw Uncle Wally, Wally, Nicky, Aunt Maylene, and Olivia march past us. Afterwards, we visited with the Wally Klein family before heading to the annual corned beef and cabbage feast at the Colonna's! Nana made a delightful meal, which was complimented by Nanny's Irish soda bread. We had a great time, and I've never seen so many Italians dressed in green. Nana was happy to see that her grandchildren opted for pasta and meatballs over the corned beef. Regardless of their food choices, these little ones are more than 25% Irish. Happy St. Paddy's Day from the O'Colonna's!
Green pancakes! Those leprechauns sure are sneaky!
Grace and Bella... two peas in a pod.
Kate was all bundled up! Daddy kept her warm during the parade.
They had so much fun blowing on these green horns!
We were so happy to see my brother, Wally, and my nephew's, Wally and Nicky, walking with Buddy Ball. We also spotted our favorite Daisy and Troop Leader! Olivia waved right to the camera!
We were so happy to watch the parade with some of our friends! Hopefully, next year it won't be quite as cold!
McKlein and O'Colonna Cuties
"Who's the princess?"
Olivia + Grace = BCF
Grandpa the Leprechaun and Katherine Rose
I can't decide which of these two pictures I like better!
The Colonna's were ready to party! I think I was wearing the least amount of green.
We were so happy that Terry came to join us for dessert, and she brought each child a beautiful Irish themed cookie pop.
Team O'Colonna
Kate hasn't met a cookie that hasn't liked.
Aunt Dana, Uncle Vito, and Munckin
Nana and her best lad

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