Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Finale

We had so much fun celebrating with the entire Klein Klan this afternoon! Soon after everyone arrived at Uncle Ed and Aunt Suzanne's house, the Easter Bunny rang the doorbell and left us a note. He had such nice things to say about all of the children. This year LuLu read the following to our babies:

Grace is an amazing big sister. She is kind, caring, and very helpful. She is working very hard at Lollipop School, and has started to learn her “sight words.” Mommy and Daddy are so proud of her accomplishments! It’s hard to believe she will be going to kindergarten in September. She lives up to her name and is an extremely “graceful” dancer. I’m sure she will do a wonderful job in her upcoming recital when she dances to “Call Me Maybe.” Grace is a little super star at gymnastics! Her cartwheels and handstands are improving each day. We look forward to seeing her out on the soccer field again this Fall. Keep up the great work, Grace!

Andrew is having a fantastic first year at Lollipop School. He has learned so much about colors, numbers, and letters, and he has made many new friends. Andrew recently earned his yellow belt at Tiger Claw. He’s a very brave “little tiger,” and he impresses us with his hand eye coordination. Andrew is quite creative! He’s amazing at puzzles, art, and building. He’s also an awesome singer! We love hearing his rendition of “We Are Young.” He’s a loving brother and thoughtful son. When he moves to the new house he is going to have his very own “big boy bed!”

Katherine had lots of milestones this year! She’s very bright and tries to keep up with her big brother and sister. She brings us all so much joy. Her smile can light up a room, and her laugh is infectious. Kate loves being sung to and read to. She especially likes Dora, Elmo, and Big Bird. She also loves to sing Katy Perry’s “Firework” with her big sister. Kate is learning new things every day, and she recently said, “I love you,” which was music to Mommy and Daddy’s ears.  She’s the perfect addition to Team Colonna.

The Easter Bunny hid eggs outside, which contained letters that the children had to unscramble to find out where their gifts were hidden. Everyone received something special from the Easter Bunny, and then we went outside to have our Annual Confetti Egg Fight. Aunt Maylene went above and beyond this year! We had so much fun chasing each other and cracking confetti eggs all over our loved ones! It was such a memorable day from start to finish! We are truly blessed to have such an amazing family!
Everyone listened intently when LuLu read the Easter Bunny's letter.
Unfortunately, Kate slept through the letter and egg hunt.
Mucho cascarones!
Confetti Egg Fight!!!
Party in your pants!
"Cleavage confetti!"
Photo bomb by Uncle Wally!
We found the surprises in the trunk of Uncle Wally and Aunt Maylene's truck.
All of the children enjoyed the surprises that the Easter Bunny hid for them.
The men tried to get in as much of the NCAA Tournament as possible!
Kate couldn't get enough of Coco!
Kate loves the new Dora tent from the Easter Bunny!
LuLu and Pop with their 11 grandchildren
Look what we spotted in the front of our home when we got back tonight! Could it be... has Spring finally sprung?

Breakfast, Baskets, and Bunnies

After Mass, we headed home for a fun-filled breakfast with LuLu, Pop, Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Dana, and Uncle Vito. Our sweethearts were completely spoiled, and each one received another 2 baskets! Danny whipped up some delicious pancakes, and we enjoyed each other's company as we watched the children play with their new toys. 
Kate couldn't wait to open her basket from Nana and Grandpa! She received a beautiful outfit, accessories, a big chocolate bunny, and all she wanted was the Dora stickers.
Grace loves her new Lalaloopsy doll from Nana and Grandpa!
Andrew opened his Peter Pan figurines straightaway.
The Chef!
Team Colonna
After breakfast, Aunt Dana and Uncle Vito gave out their baskets! It was such an exciting morning!
Each of the children received bathing suits and adorable outfits for our upcoming trip to Captiva Island.
Kate LOVES to be read to... especially when it's a Dora story!
Before heading to Uncle Ed and Aunt Suzanne's house, Aunt Dana, Grace, and Andrew helped me decorate the Easter Basket cupcakes!