Thursday, January 31, 2013

Knuffle Bunny

When I picked Andrew up from school on Tuesday afternoon, we found out that we were going to bring Knuffle Bunny home with us for the week! We enjoyed reading Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale by Mo Willems, and Andrew had lots of adventures with his little friend.
He taught "Snuffle Bunny" how to use his iPad mini.
He showed Knuffle Bunny his favorite book Jez Alborough's Where's My Teddy.
Knuffle Bunny helped Andrew and Grace build a tent!
They also had a sleepover!
We had a fun lunch date with Andrew and his karate buddies.
Knuffle Bunny saw Andrew earn his 4th stripe in karate class.
Andrew did such a wonderful job in karate this week! I'm such a proud Mommy!
Andrew brought Knuffle Bunny back to school this morning. We had so much fun adding to Group 2's Knuffle Bunny Binder.

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