Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hibernation Pajama Party!

Andrew got to wear his pajamas to Lollipop School the last two days in a row! They do so many exciting things in Group 2! Miss Victoria invited all of her students and their teddy bears to a Hibernation Pajama Party! Andrew was so happy to wear his Jake and the Neverland Pirate pjs yesterday, and today he wore Toy Story jammies! He even had a special snack... chocolate Teddy Grahams! Andrew and Teddy had lots of fun together this week!
I was so happy that Miss Victoria took some photos for me! It looks like Andrew and Teddy had a wonderful day!
Andrew made Teddy a special cave. Now, he's ready to hibernate!

1 comment:

  1. Pajama day looks like it was a big hit for Andrew and Teddy. I'm glad none of the girls in his class at Lollipop school had their eyes on Andrew because Elizabeth told me that after Andrew gave her his blanket with his name on it, she'd like him to be her Valentine!
