Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Go for the Gold!

Grace received a beautiful red, white, and blue ribbon at the end of her gymnastics class today. She is going to begin working with the the 5-7 year olds next week, and we're doubling her practice time. Grace is showing a huge interest in gymnastics. She loves doing cartwheels all over the house, and she has made it known that the trampoline is her favorite piece of equipment at the gym. I didn't realize they were going to give out ribbons today. It was such a pleasant surprise! I thought it was a great way to recognize the hours of hard work and practice these little gymnasts have invested in bettering themselves. 
Grace was quick to strike a pose when she received her ribbon!
Grace, Olivia, and Madelyn! I love these three together! They have been friends since before they could walk and talk. 

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic job Grace. I can't wait to see her cartwheels, maybe when the weather gets better we can go to the park!
