Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It was a very unconventional Halloween. Being that we're living in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, trick-or-treating has been postponed to a later date. Many families are still without electricity... including us. We've been keeping busy during the day and spending our nights watching DVDs on the computer snuggled up in our jammies with the candles burning. Lollipop School reopened today, and Grace and Andrew were excited to show off their Izzy and Jake costumes. They had fun celebrating with their classmates, and after school, they were happy to spend time and enjoy some treats with their cousins Jameson, Genny, and Shane.
LuLu treated her little sweethearts to some Halloween inspired Dunkin' Donut treats.
I love Kate's Tinkerbell costume (especially the shoes, which jingle when she walks).
Happy Halloween! Nothing was going to stop these little cuties from getting decked out in full costume!

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