Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trick-or-Treating Round 1 & 2

Things are starting to get a little more normal around here. Our power came back on yesterday morning, and today we spent the day trick-or-treating in Park Ridge and Pearl River. It was so much fun watching our little ones run from house to house in pursuit of Skittles, "butter cups," M & M's, and lots of "special treats!"
Grace and Andrew had so much fun trick-or-treating with their cousins and the Long family.
He loves jumping in puddles, mud, and piles of leaves! I love this little boy! xoxo
Grace and her friend, Meghan
Andrew and his friend, Addison
Grace was so happy to run into her old friends from Lollipop School, Amanda and Kathryn.
After we finished trick-or-treating in Park Ridge, we headed to Pearl River for some more Halloween fun with the Wally Klein family.
Nicky was a happy "Angry Bird." He made everyone smile by saying, "caw caw" instead of "trick-or-treat."
I love my girls! xoxo

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