Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ms. One-derful

I can't believe our baby is already 1! This year went by way too quickly! We've been enjoying every moment with our littlest sweetheart! Katherine Rose brings us all so much joy! She crawls all over the place these days. She loves to walk her babies in the stroller, and yesterday, she took her first steps! It seemed like Kate only had 1 tooth for the longest time, but she's working on her 4th. She loves music and claps along whenever she gets the chance. Kate just started giving kisses! She's ridiculously cute! I love to cuddle with her, and when she wakes up in the middle of the night, I bring her into our bed for snuggles. Kate is our most vocal child. She loves to hear her voice, which is sometimes quite loud. Kate is very smiley, and she's always entertained by her older sister and brother. Grace and Andrew are crazy about their baby! They love to give her hugs and kisses, and they help me look out for her safety. I feel so blessed to be the mother of three healthy and happy babies!

We had such a wonderful day celebrating our "one-derful" birthday girl! I've never seen Kate as happy as she was today. She LOVED being the center of attention! She enjoyed her "Minnie Mouse Party" with Nana, Grandpa, Nanny, Poppy, Aunt Dana, Uncle Vito, and Terry (Unfortunately, LuLu and Pop couldn't come to the celebration. Pop had open heart surgery two weeks ago. They were so happy to see the birthday girl when we visited this afternoon). We had Sunday Dinner at our house. Kate enjoyed some fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, pizza, corn on the cob, ice cream, and birthday cake! She was in her glory and covered in cake from head to toe! She smiled and waved to all of her guests. I can't wait to throw her another party next Saturday! I just know that she'll LOVE her "Ladybug Party." Happy 1st Birthday Katherine Rose! We love you like crazy! xoxo
Homemade 1st birthday cake made with love by Mommy:-)
 Corn on the cob is one of her favorite foods. Look at that smile!
She couldn't wait to stick her fingers into that cake!
Grace is such an amazing big sister! She and Kate both love watching Minnie on "The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse."

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