Saturday, September 1, 2012


We've just returned from a fun-filled family vacation in Beach Haven, Long Beach Island! It was so nice to have so much uninterrupted family time. We spent lots of time playing at the beach, taking long walks, eating seafood and ice-cream, and enjoying each other's company. This vacation was the perfect way to conclude our sensational Summer! 
It's so nice staying right on the bay. We had such a beautiful view. The children enjoyed watching all the boats (especially the Black Pearl, which is a pirate ship).
On our first night, we had dinner at the Black Whale! It was delish and worth the wait. However, Kate was quite vocal, and we decided that it might be best to order in next time.
We found a great park by Bay Village that we enjoyed visiting in the mornings.
Look at those cute curls!
"How big is Kate?"
Tuesday night, we had a lovely dinner at The Boathouse.
Fantasy Island ~ Round 1
We enjoyed lots of trips to Barry's Do-Me-A-Flavor!
Cuddling with my sweethearts and watching cartoons was quite relaxing:-)
Just monkeying around...
My girlies
We were fortunate to see the sunset almost every night.
Our "Little Man"

Matchy Matchy
When we returned from the beach, Grace and Andrew loved swimming in the hot tub each afternoon.
Thursday night we ordered-in sushi from The Engleside and watched another beautiful sunset.
Fantasy Island ~ Round 2 (We were so happy to meet up with the Barry family. Grace and Andrew had a great time going on the rides with their playgroup friends, Colin and Sean.
Grace and Daddy had so much fun on the Tilt-A-Whirl and Roller Coaster together!
Even the Daddies went on a ride:-)

We ran into Teresa Giudice from "The Real Housewives of New Jersey."
We had lobster 3 times in one week!!! Delicious!

On our last night, we had a great time miniature golfing at Mr. Tee's "Victorian Gardens."
On the last day, we visited the Eller family at their home in Haven Beach. Kate enjoyed playing with her buddy, Chase.
Dan and Bill entertained us by playing Kan Jam.

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