Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School

Why does Summer vacation always go by so quickly? We had so much fun together, and I am going to miss Grace and Andrew when they are at Lollipop School this year! Grace is in Miss Veronika's class (Group 6), and Andrew's is in Miss Victoria's class (Group 2). This is Grace's 3rd year at Lollipop School, and she will go Tuesday - Friday mornings. She was very excited that Daddy came with us for drop-off. Grace loves school, and she was happy to see so many of her friends. Andrew was a bit nervous for his first day of school. He will go to school Tuesday - Thursday mornings. We were happy to find out that Miss Kimberly is going to be one of his classroom aides. Grace was fortunate to have her during her first year of school, too! Our little man shed some tears before we left the classroom this morning, which broke my heart. I was happy to watch him on video. I can't believe that 2 of my babies are in pre-k! They are growing up way too fast!
Andrew's 1st day of school.
Check out those cool personalized backpacks!
Andrew was very brave when he hung up his book bag, but once he realized Dan and I were going to leave, he got a bit nervous.
Grace is so happy that her friend, Meghan, is in her class this year.
When I picked Andrew up at 11:30, he looked like he had a rough day. His nose was running, and he told me in his adorable, deep voice, "Mommy I made you a picture. It's in my backpack." He was happy that Miss Victoria gave him a lollipop!
Miss Veronika and Grace
After school, we went to Ridgemont Pizza with the Crescitellis, Vigilantes, Hryniws, and Buonocores.

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