Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jameson's Communion

After Grace's dance recital, we headed home to pick up Laura, Andrew, and Kate, and then we floored it to the 5:30 Mass at Our Lady of Mercy to watch our nephew, Jameson, make his First Holy Communion. He looked so handsome, and we had a wonderful time celebrating his special day with friends and family. 
What an angel! I snapped this right after he received his First Holy Communion.
Dan and his Godson
Shane and Jameson looked so handsome in their suits!
Kate and Andrew had so much fun with Laura Lou today! We were so fortunate to have her babysit our little sweethearts, while we were at the recital.
Laura Lou bought Grace new nail polish for her special day, and Grace and Genny were so happy to receive manicures!

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