Wednesday, May 16, 2012

8 Months

I can't believe our baby girl is already 8 months! She is our little sunshine. We love Kate's beautiful, toothless grin, and her laughter is like music to our ears. Grace and Andrew love entertaining their baby sister. She finds it quite funny when they pretend to fall down, and she's always watching to see what they're up to. Kate is such a little snuggle bunny, and I love holding her in my arms. She is so busy these days... rolling over, sitting up, playing with her toys, and trying her best to crawl. At her 8 month check-up she weighed in at 17 pounds, 10 ounces and she measured out to 28 1/2 inches. We're so in love with our littlest sweetheart, and we love celebrating her birthday on a monthly basis.
 Our happy 8 month old
 Scooting along
I caught Grace writing my name on the chalkboard this afternoon:-) My babies bring me so much happiness!
 I love that Dan's office is so close to Magnolia Bakery!
Yee-haw! It's party time! 
 "Jesse" and "Woody" love serenading their little sister with the birthday song!
May all their wishes come true! xoxo

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