Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gardening with LuLu

Grace and Andrew had a blast gardening with LuLu this afternoon! They planted a beautiful garden full of pink, purple, and white impatiens. They weren't afraid to get dirty, and they did a fabulous job digging, feeding, planting, and watering their garden. Although it was coincidental, I think it's significant that this garden was planted on Mum's birthday. My grandmother, the 1st Bernadette, would have been 104 years old today. So, as I watch our garden grow, I will think of my Mum. A big THANK YOU to LuLu for spending time with our sweethearts and making our home look so beautiful. We love you! xoxo
This was the first year Andrew participated in the gardening.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pirate Ship Table

The weather has been beautiful lately, so I finally put together Andrew's pirate ship water table. Grace and Andrew had a fun afternoon playing on the deck. I love watching them together. They truly are best friends, and I hope that they will always be close. They have their occasional disagreements and torment each other sometimes, but for the most part they play nicely together. They enjoy spending time together, and Andrew is always anxious to pick Grace up from Lollipop School. I'm looking forward to spending the Summer with my babies. They're getting big way too fast!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Kickoff

It's officially Summer! We took our first trip to the Park Ridge Pool today, and we had such a great afternoon with our family and friends. Grace and Andrew had a great time swimming and playing with their cousins and their buddy, Bella, and Kate enjoyed her first swim. She looked so cute in her bathing suit, and she was happy to see her friend, Gavin. We're looking forward to spending lots of time at the pool this Summer. We're hoping that swimming in the BIG pool will be a good incentive to get Andrew potty trained by the end of June. It was a memorable Memorial Day Weekend, and the weather couldn't have been more beautiful.
Gavin and Kate

Memorial Day Parade

This morning we dressed in red, white, and blue and cheered on our local veterans, scouts, fire departments, and marching bands. Every year, we enjoy watching the Memorial Day Parade with Uncle Denis, Aunt Mary, Jameson, Genny, and Shane in front of Park Ridge High School.
Somehow, Andrew managed to sleep through the first half of the parade. This little man can sleep through anything! He plays hard and sleeps hard!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nana's Birthday

We had quite a busy day! While Daddy played a round of golf, the kids and I were happy to spend the morning with "Laura Lou!" (Last night, Grace, Andrew, and Katherine had a sleepover with their favorite babysitter!) We enjoyed some chocolat croissants and crepes at Sook, and then we took a walk at Duck Park in Ridgewood. When we returned home, we had a photo shoot with "Laura Lou," said our good-byes, and got dressed for Nana's birthday party. Aunt Dana and Grandpa prepared a delicious bbq, and we had a great time celebrating Nana big day. Grace and Andrew were happy to help her blow out her candles. Happy Birthday Nana! We love you! xoxo
"Laura Lou" and Kate (sporting her adorable outfit from the Klaciks)
Grace and Andrew were so happy to play with their cousin, Riley, at the party.
The best big sister and big brother awards go to... Grace and Andrew!
Nana had a new addition at her birthday celebration this year:-)
Grace and Andrew LOVE to play with their Grandpa! Today he thought of a super fun activity! They had so much fun decorating a shirt for him!
Ta Da! Here's the finished product!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Batter Up

It was a fabulous Saturday from start to finish complete with a birthday party, a trip to the driving range for Daddy, and a fun "date night" out in NYC to celebrate Nana's birthday at Le Relais de Venise and The Campbell Apartment, but the moment that will forever stand out in my mind was when Andrew crushed the ball this afternoon while Dan was helping him perfect his swing. Dan had the biggest grin on his face. He was full of pride as he watched his son and big girl practicing their swings.
Kate was their biggest fan!

Brandon's 2!

Our little buddy, Brandon, celebrated his 2nd birthday today at Little Scoops in Orangeburg, NY. Grace and Andrew had a great time dancing, playing, and eating ice cream sundaes with their playgroup friends.
 Conga! We enjoyed watching our little ones do the "Chicken Dance," "Hokey Pokey," "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," and dance to the "Limbo Rock."
They climbed through tunnels, hula hooped, and shook the parachute!
 Andrew LOVES chocolate ice cream!
 Grace loves vanilla or strawberry, and she always likes to add LOTS of rainbow sprinkles:-)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Julia's Backyard B-day

The weather was beautiful this weekend. We were fortunate to have such a gorgeous day to celebrate Julia's 5th birthday. It was an amazing backyard birthday party complete with a bounce house, pinata, and "Tumbles to Go." Grace and Andrew had so much fun playing all the "party games," and Kate was happy to watch the excitement from her Baby Bjorn.