Friday, March 16, 2012

Sweet 6 Months

I can't believe our baby is already 6 months old! She brings us so much joy! Her smile is contagious, and everyone always remarks that "she is such a happy baby!" Grace and Andrew can get Kate into hysterics, and she has the sweetest belly laugh. She's also quite ticklish! It's amazing how far along she has come in the last month! She loves playing in her exersaucer and jumper, and she is so busy exploring all of her toys. She grabs for her toys, reaches out to be held, and tries to give kisses. Kate does a great job pushing herself up, and she rolls over from back to front. Grace and Andrew are crazy about their baby sister! It's so cute to watch them interact with her, and they are Kate's entertainment. Every day I feel blessed to be the mother of 3 healthy and happy children. Happy 1/2 birthday Katherine Rose! We love you to the moon and back! xoxo
12 cupcakes - 1 for each month
1/2 with a St. Patrick's Day theme & 1/2 from Magnolia Bakery
A special treat for Kate's 1/2 birthday
6 Months
She already loves to party! Check out that smile! xoxo

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