Friday, November 12, 2010

"Santa's Coming?"

We had such a fun afternoon at the Paramus Park Mall. We had lunch with the Baho girls, went on the Merry-go-round, and wrote letters to Santa. It was great catching up with Natalie, and we were so happy that Mary and "Shane-o" were able to join us for a bit. Grace was elated to find out that Santa will start making appearances at the mall!!! She must have asked me over one hundred times today if... "Santa's coming?" Even though Thanksgiving hasn't come yet, our little sweethearts can't wait for Christmas! This is my favorite time of the year! Grace and Andrew are going to have so much fun getting ready for the holidays this year!
Grace and Shane were happy to join Kylie on her first Carousel ride.
Everyone was sure to write Santa a little message... Grace would like some Disney "tinfesses" and Andrew asked for new trains.

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