Friday, November 26, 2010

Grace's Bedtime Prayers

Prayers are an important part of Grace's nighttime routine, and she recently added the "Thanksgiving Prayer" to her repertoire. If I didn't cut this video short at the end, you would have heard Grace list all of her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins (including Chief), teachers, friends, and Luciana (for some reason, Grace used to always say our cleaning women's name first). I love bedtime in our house, and it's not because the kids are going to sleep. I love reading to them, singing them songs, dancing with Grace to Barney's "I Love You," doing cheers (Grace always requests the Cow Bell's dance... "Bum, Bum, Bump"), singing and dancing with the Disney princesses, and running back in for one last "hug and a kiss."
Thanksgiving Prayer ~ I still remember learning this prayer as a student at Our Lady of Mercy. As a child, I used to say this every night before dinner.
Hail Mary and Our Father ~ I cut out the God Bless part (which tends to last a very long time).

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