Monday, November 15, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday...

Even though Grace doesn't have school on Mondays, it is one of our busiest days of the week:-) We enjoyed our last Autumn edition of "Stories with Sarah" at the Pearl River Library this morning. Grace and Andrew love Miss Sarah! She has taught them some of their favorite songs and rhymes including: "Open Shut Them," "Here Comes the Choo Choo Train," and "The Hokey Pokey." They also love watching Miss Sarah do "The Alphabet Train" and "Old MacDonald" on the felt board. We look forward to seeing Miss Sarah again in 2011.
Monday afternoons are always a blast! Mommy and the kiddies love meeting up with all of our friends at playgroup. Today we met at JW Tumbles, and a good time was had by all!

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