Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

We had a jam-packed, fun-filled Halloween! As soon as we arrived home after 10:00 Mass, we quickly changed into our Mouseketeer ensembles to do a little trick-or-treating. Grace and Andrew received special treats from our neighbor, Al, and they were so happy to see their friend, Hadley, from across the street. Afterwards, we headed out for some more treats at Uncle Denis and Aunt Mary's house, Gram and Pop's house, and the neighbors on DeGroff Place (where Mommy used to trick-or-treat as a child). Grace and Andrew enjoyed visiting the neighbors and showing off their costumes. Our next stop was Nanny and Poppy's house, and we were all treated like royalty! Everyone got treats... including Mommy and Daddy! Poppy made us enough chicken parmigiana to last an entire week!!! Next, we had fun visiting Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Dana, and Vito, and the kiddies were spoiled rotten! We ended the day at a Halloween party with all of our Tumbles friends! It was such a SPOOKTACULAR Halloween, and we were fortunate to have such BOOTIFUL weather!
Mickey, Minnie, and their cousins Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Cody.
Andrew enjoyed checking out treats! He especially loved his chocolate chips and Woody doll!
Grace and her friends had so much fun trick-or-treating. She loved running from house to house for her treats, and she also had a blast playing in the leaves with all of her buddies!

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