Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Slides, Fun, and Firefighters

Wednesdays are very busy for the Colonna kids!  Andrew and I love going to his "Wobblers" class at JW Tumbles.  It's so nice having a little one-on-one time each week.  He brings us so much happiness! Andrew has always been a good natured baby, and he's a very smiley little guy.  We can't take our eyes off of him for a minute.  He loves climbing and is quite fearless!  Today at class he kept going down the slide all by himself.  In order get my video, I lured him down the slide one last time by having him try to catch a ball!  He's not even 15 months yet, and he loves to play ball!  
The ball pit... Andrew's favorite spot:-)
Grace has been thriving at Lollipop School!  She truly loves it and has finally started to share some fun facts about what she does each day.  At dinner tonight, she began singing a song about a bumble bee that she learned in school.  She also imitated her teacher by saying, "Eyes on me:-)"  Today was an exciting day for Grace because she had her first show and tell.  She was told to bring in something red.  So, we decided to send her in with her favorite treat to share with her friends... Twizzlers!  The teacher in me truly came out this morning, and I decided to go above and beyond by dressing Grace in as much red as possible.  Pop later told her that she looked like a candy cane:-)  The fire trucks also came to Lollipop School today, and she got to wear the firetruck hat that she made for Fire Prevention Week.  I'm so happy that Grace is enjoying herself.  It took me awhile to get comfortable with the idea of sending my baby girl to nursery school, but now I can honestly say that I'm certain that we made the right decision!
Grace was very proud of the firetruck hat she made! She also showed off the boat that she made in honor of Columbus Day.  

Grace and her teacher, Miss Nicole.

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