Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1st Class Trip

Grace had her very first class trip today, and I was overjoyed to be one of the parent volunteers selected to join the group! We had such a wonderful morning at DePiero's Farm! We started off with a "pumpkin picking" hayride. Grace had so much fun spending time with her teacher's assistant, Miss Kimberly, and classmates, Madelyn and Amanda. We explored the pumpkin patch, which was "boo-tifully" decorated for Halloween. Grace was so excited with the display and kept saying, "Mommy, look at this!" After we picked the perfect pumpkins, we headed back to the farm for a "special treat"... apple cider and donuts! Before heading back onto the Lollipop School buses, the children had lots of fun running through the hay maze and visiting the animals at the farm. I was so happy be a part of Grace's special day!

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