Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kindergarten Orientation

Grace attended her 1st afternoon session at Lollipop School today, because we headed to Our Lady of Mercy Academy for Grace's Kindergarten Orientation first thing this morning. She spent an hour with her new teacher, Mrs. Hoffman, and some of the children that will be in her class. It was so nice to see her holding the hand of my pre-school teacher, Mrs. Purtell, as she walked to her future classroom. I'm overjoyed that she had such a wonderful experience this morning. She had lots of fun making a craft and listening to Mrs. Hoffman read The Rainbow Fish. I exchanged information with "Emily's mom," and we're hoping to set up a playdate for the girls in the near future. I can't believe our baby is entering Kindergarten! I will cherish every minute with her this Summer, because I'll certainly miss her when she is in school for 5 full days in September!
Mrs. Purtell walked the children to their new classroom.
Grace was beaming when she exited the room with Mrs. Hoffman and her new friends.

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