Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Klacik Party

We had an amazing day celebrating Eric Klacik's high school graduation! We were happy to spend time with friends and family. The kids had so much fun playing with "big Andrew," "Laura Lou," and Eric, and we had a great time catching up with one of our favorite families!
Water Balloon Baseball was a hit!
Grace had so much fun with Laura Lou!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Catching Fireflies

It was a great day from start to finish! After the party, we headed to the Park Ridge Pool and met up with family and friends! We were so happy that the Zingarelli's cancelled their trip to the Hamptons this weekend, because we planned a last minute bbq. It was a beautiful night and our little cuties had so much fun catching fireflies, eating ice pops, and running around in the yard. They even got to watch a bit of Monsters University, while the adults caught up and relaxed. It was a perfect summer night!
They had so much fun catching fireflies!!!
Gavin and Kate... these two are too cute together!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ethan

We had super fun morning at Tumbles celebrating the birthday of one of Kate's best buddies! Kate has been talking about "Ethan's Party" for the last few days, and she has grown attached to his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse invitation! I think the adults had just as much fun as the kids as we watched them tumble, play games, and spend time together. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends!
Tumbles Buddies... Ethan, Kate, and Jax
Grace is going to miss having Joey in her class next year! 
Happy Birthday Ethan! xoxo

Friday, June 28, 2013

Annual Gardening Day

Every year we look forward to gardening with LuLu! We had such a fun day making our new home look beautiful! Grace and Andrew helped LuLu plant a gorgeous pot of flowers on the deck off of our kitchen, and they also planted a smaller pot for the deck off their playroom (they even planted a flower in the window box of their playhouse). It's looking quite colorful here on Tam-O-Shanter, and we're starting to feel settled. Most of our boxes are unpacked, and the kids are having so much fun playing outdoors on their bicycles and scooters. A special thank you to my Mom for the welcoming flowers! We had so much fun spending time with you today! xoxo

Monday, June 24, 2013

1st Tooth Fairy Visit

Our baby lost her first tooth at dinner tonight! When she started wiggling it a couple of weeks ago, Dan and I were in disbelief. We remember the excitement we felt when that first little tooth grew in, and tonight, we felt a bit sad to see that our baby is growing up. She is such a sweet little girl. She wrote the cutest letter to the Tooth Fairy, and I know that she is looking forward to the morning to find out what the Tooth Fairy will leave under her pillow. I wish I could figure out a way to freeze time! Our Grace is getting to be such a big girl! We love you, baby! xoxo

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Birthday LuLu!

We had a fun filled evening with the entire Klein family celebrating LuLu's birthday! It was so nice to catch up with everyone and watch the children play together in the yard. I am fortunate to have such a loving and caring Mom, and I feel so blessed that I get to share her with my husband and children! Happy Birthday Mommy Pajami/LuLu! We love you like crazy! xoxo
All of the children looked forward to helping LuLu blow out her birthday candles!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

USAG Pre-Team Show

Grace earned her 1st trophy today at Aeon's USAG Pre-Team Show this afternoon! Dan, Dana, and I were so happy to watch Grace use all four of the apparatuses. She looked very confident, and we were very proud to see her showcase all the skills that she has been working on each week!
Grace and her fellow Level 2 teammates
Grace tells us that she gets butterflies in her tummy when she is on the bars, but she certainly looked confident this afternoon.
1st trophy ever!

Friday, June 21, 2013