Monday, January 16, 2012

Well Visits?

Today was a milestone for each of our children. We had Grace's 4 year, Andrew's 2.5 year, and Kate's 4 month well visits this morning. I was happy that Dan was off from work today to help us during the appointment. Grace is now 33 pounds and 39.25 inches. She was a superstar during her visit... shot and all! Andrew is 24 pounds and 34.5 inches. He did a great job with his sight and hearing tests. However, we were shocked to find out that he is in the 2nd percentile for weight. Dr. Berkowitz recommended that we give him a Pediasure every day and bring him back for a weigh-in in 2 months. Our sweet baby Kate is now 13 pounds, 9 ounces and 25.5 inches. We were disappointed to hear that she has a double ear infection! Our poor baby had been to the doctor twice recently due to her cough and runny nose. She even needed the nebulizer with albuterol, but we didn't realize she had an ear infection! She had been sleeping through the night and wasn't the slightest bit fussy. So, our well visits didn't turn out very "well" for Andrew and Kate! Andrew seems to like his chocolate Pediasure, but Katherine isn't fond of the amoxicillin that she will have to take the next 10 days:-(

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