Thursday, January 5, 2012

Class Celebration 4 Grace!

I can't believe my baby is 4 years old!!! Bernadette Grace brings us so much joy! Her smile can light up a room. She still loves all of the Disney Princesses and plays with all of her dolls on a daily basis. She loves dressing up her princesses and Bitty Babies. She's also an expert at dressing herself from head to toe! Grace is a fabulous dancer and loves going to ballet/tap class every Thursday. She also enjoys having dance parties at home and showing us her newest "moves." Grace loves going to Lollipop School Tuesday through Friday mornings, and she has made many new friends this year. She focuses on a new letter and number every week, and she has begun writing. We're still working on having her G's and C's pointing in the proper direction. Grace is crazy about her cousins, and she loves having playdates with her friends. She is an amazing big sister. Dan and I love watching how she interacts with Andrew and Kate. She and Andrew play so well together, and they love sharing a room. Grace is so gentle with her baby sister. There has never been a moment of jealousy. She is such a little sweetheart, and I LOVE being her Mommy! I have the best job in the entire world! I love watching her grow and discover new things. I love hearing all of her questions and having conversations together. I love singing songs, reading books, playing dress-up, and baking together. I love saying prayers and tucking her in each night. I love her hugs and kisses! I love my baby girl so much, and I am THANKFUL 4 my 4 year old!!!

Andrew, Kate, Shane, and I were so lucky to be a part of Grace's class celebration this morning! Grace loved her special number 4 donuts, and she was happy that Andrew didn't blow out her birthday candle:-) Her class party was a wonderful way to kick off her birthday festivities!
Special Donuts 4 Grace
I love this picture of her holding up 4 fingers!

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