Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Captiva Island Kickoff

We're so happy to be here! It was a wild morning. Before heading to the airport, we had to call the pediatric emergency line. Kate had a temperature of 103.9 degrees. After speaking with our doctor, she assured us that we should still go on our vacation. Everyone did extremely well on the flight. I was so proud of Kate, and I think the baby Advil helped. It's funny how people look at you on the airplane when you walk down the aisle with 3 small children. When we got to our seats, I told the man in the aisle seat... "You're the lucky winner." His reaction and the giggles heard around us were priceless. At the end of the flight, he commented on how well our children were behaved. If the rest of the vacation goes as smoothly as our flight, we're in good shape. We're so happy to be in the warm weather! We had a wonderful time swimming this afternoon, and we had a fun-filled night in town. Our dinner at Sunshine Seafood Cafe was delicious, and we capped off the night with ice-cream at Latte Da.
Grandpa drove us to the airport bright and early! Grace and Andrew were so excited for the flight!
Katherine's 1st flight
Once we arrived at South Seas Island Resort, we did a quick change into our bathing suits! We hopped on the trolley and headed to our favorite pool!
We enjoyed a delicious lunch at The Pointe. It felt so good to relax together in the warm weather! 
Grace and Daddy couldn't wait to go down the water slides at H2WHOW! Water Park. 
Our little sweethearts love riding in the trolley.
We're so happy with our room. It turns out our Bayside Villa is even nicer than the Beach Villa that we stayed in last time.
The kids had a great time decorating the table cloth at Sunshine Seafood Cafe!
On the way to Latte Da, we stopped at The Bubble Room. The gorilla cage was a big hit!

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