Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tutu Months

I can't believe Katherine is already 2 months old! "Time flies when you're having fun!" Kate is such an angel. She's a very happy baby, and she loves being sung to and spoken to. She's also a very good sleeper... knock on wood! She sleeps best on her tummy, and I love having her in our bed each night. Her smile makes my heart sing. She's just such a little sweetheart!!! Grace and Andrew are constantly giving her kisses. I love when Andrew says, "Hi, Katie" and "I "kissa" my baby "sista." I feel like this is the happiest time of our lives! I love spending my days with my 3 babies, and we look forward to when Daddy comes home each night. We had fun celebrating Kate's special day. We enjoyed singing and eating ice cream cake in her honor!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you Dee, I'm so happy to hear that you are so happy with your brood. You are truly supermom to the max. Soon I can give a "kissa" to my "frienda"
