Saturday, March 26, 2011

Celebratory Day

We had quite an exciting day! Grace and Andrew had a wonderful time celebrating Grandpa's 60th birthday! While I was at Helen's baby shower, Grace and Andrew spent the afternoon with Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Dana, and Vito. They had a delicious lunch at Roxanne's and then headed to Friendly's for a special treat. This was the kickoff for what's sure to be a 60th birthday bonanza! Nana is also turning 60 this year, and we have lots of fun in store. We were ecstatic to welcome Daddy home tonight! Of course, he came home bearing gifts:-) Grace was delighted with her new doll, Andrew loves his panda visor (he's still obsessed with hats), and although I really like my new tea cup, Dan's safe return was the best gift I could have asked for!
Andrew and the birthday boy, Grandpa:-)
Grace wore one of her Cinderella gowns today. I guess she wanted Grandpa to have a royal celebration:-)
Cone Head Sundaes are a sure sign of a super 60th!
Grace and Andrew welcomed Daddy home with open arms! They were so excited that be brought them each something special.

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