Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rylie's Baptism

We're so happy that Daddy's home from China! We had a relaxing morning together, and then we headed to a fun filled family afternoon. Our cousin, Riley, was Baptized this afternoon at St. Paul's Church. It was a beautiful service, and we were happy to finally meet our newest cousins Riley Killeen and Henry Colonna! They're both adorable! We had a wonderful time celebrating Riley's special day at La Terrazza. The food was delicious, and the children had a great time playing together. We also sang "Happy Birthday" to Grandpa, and Andrew was happy to bust out his famous party trick and show everyone "the situation." It was a fabulous day:-)
Our cousins, Nicole, Kevin, and the guest of honor, Riley Shaye.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Celebratory Day

We had quite an exciting day! Grace and Andrew had a wonderful time celebrating Grandpa's 60th birthday! While I was at Helen's baby shower, Grace and Andrew spent the afternoon with Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Dana, and Vito. They had a delicious lunch at Roxanne's and then headed to Friendly's for a special treat. This was the kickoff for what's sure to be a 60th birthday bonanza! Nana is also turning 60 this year, and we have lots of fun in store. We were ecstatic to welcome Daddy home tonight! Of course, he came home bearing gifts:-) Grace was delighted with her new doll, Andrew loves his panda visor (he's still obsessed with hats), and although I really like my new tea cup, Dan's safe return was the best gift I could have asked for!
Andrew and the birthday boy, Grandpa:-)
Grace wore one of her Cinderella gowns today. I guess she wanted Grandpa to have a royal celebration:-)
Cone Head Sundaes are a sure sign of a super 60th!
Grace and Andrew welcomed Daddy home with open arms! They were so excited that be brought them each something special.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feeding the Animals?

Every Thursday, after Lollipop School, we love having lunch with our storytime friends at DePiero's Farm. Afterwards, we enjoy throwing pennies into the fountain and visiting with the animals. Today, Andrew attempted to feed the animals for the first time. Realize I use the word "attempted." Andrew loves to eat! He's always willing to try anything... well, today, he tried a REAL animal cracker. Yuck!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lollipop Playdate:-)

Our afterschool playdate at Joey's was the perfect way to spend such a rainy afternoon! Grace and Andrew had so much fun playing with Joey, Julianna, and Brandon, and I had a great time talking with the Mommies. A big THANK YOU to the Crescitelli's for installing an indoor bounce house (it totally wore out my sweethearts). I'm happy to say that both of my babies were fast asleep by 8:00!
Grace, Andrew, Julianna, Joey, and Brandon

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sleepy Heads

Putting the kids to bed each night can be quite exhausting! After I put Grace to sleep tonight, I walked into my bedroom to find "the boys" fast asleep. In the morning, Dan will leave for another business trip to China. We'll miss you, Daddy! xoxo

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Funday

We had an action packed, jam filled Sunday! After 10:00 Mass, we went directly to The Little Gym for Luke's 3rd birthday party. We had so much fun celebrating with all of our storytime friends! Afterwards, we headed to Pearl River to catch the St. Patrick's Day Parade, but by the time we got there Grace and Andrew were both fast asleep, and my legs were killing me. We'll attempt it again next year:-)
Tonight, Daddy, Uncle Wally, and Wally headed to a WWE match in Newark. So, Aunt Maylene and I took the kids to Friendly's and Memorial Park for a fun filled Sunday evening. It's so nice watching Grace and Andrew play with their cousins. We're so fortunate to have such a large, loving family living nearby! It was a great day from start to finish!
Grace went zip-lining at Luke's party!
Andrew's 1st hula hoop attempt:-)
Happy Birthday, Luke! The pizza and cake was delicious!
Grace and Olivia were so happy to have their own table (directly across from us) at Friendly's tonight.
After Friendly's, we went to Memorial Park for some more fun! The girls had so much fun together!
Buddies! Nicky and Andrew:-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Our little leprechauns

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Eve

It started off quite rainy this morning, but by the end of the day, we were outside without coats! We busted out our green a day early to prepare for St. Patrick's Day. Andrew rocked his "Charmer" t-shirt at JW Tumbles this morning, and Grace wore the first of many St. Patrick's ensembles to Lollipop School today:-) We ended the day reading "The Night Before St. Patrick's Day." We can't wait for all the excitement tomorrow!

St. Patrick's Day Eve Photo Shoot:-)
I'm bribing them to smile with gold coins:-)
Ta Da! Happy St. Patrick's Day Eve!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Shuffle, Step"

Grace and her dance classmates have been preparing for their upcoming recital in May. After this afternoon's class, she was proud to teach me her new tap move... "shuffle, step, shuffle, step, shuffle, step!" I'm so happy that Grace is enjoying dance. She loves her teacher, Miss Stephanie, and she's crazy about all the new friends that she's made:-)
A quick shot at the end of class. We're not allowed to bring cameras into the studio while they're dancing:-(

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wee Play

We checked out a new place for our Monday playgroup today, and Grace and Andrew loved it! Wee Play in Nanuet, NY could quite possibly be their new favorite hot spot!
Andrew loved playing in the sandbox!
Bella, Madeline, and Grace enjoyed the play kitchen:-)
Andrew took his big sister for a ride on the firetruck.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Colonna Clowns at the Circus

We had such a fun family day at The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus: Fully Charged Tour! We took Grace and Andrew to the 10:30 performance at the IZOD Center.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Date with Peanut

We had our 12 week sonogram today! We've been looking forward to seeing our little Peanut for the last 4 weeks! The nuchal scan went well, and our new baby's heart rate came in at a whopping 169.7:-) We had so much fun watching our little one on the monitor. At first Peanut was sleeping, and by the end of the visit our sweetheart was moving all around.
12 week scan

Just Hanging Around...

Wednesday mornings are my one-on-one time with my Little Man, and we had so much fun together at JW Tumbles! He was so smiley, and I think it's safe to say he has mastered all of the equipment that the gym has to offer! It's a bit scary that he's so fearless!
I could eat him up!
When he does this he says, "Ooo, ooo, ahh, ahh!"
He was cracking up at the frog puppet.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mini London Reunion

It's so nice having Marie on the East Coast! This afternoon, the kids and I drove to Old Greenwich, CT to meet up with some of our London friends. Christina had us over for a delicious lunch and play date. I haven't seen Christina since we were at Marie's baby shower in London. It was so nice to see her and meet her adorable children. We had fun catching up, and I hope that we'll all be together again soon.
The last time we were all together Grace was a newborn and Marie and Christina were pregnant. Now, we each have 2 children, and I'm pregnant again:-) It's been a busy 2 years!
Grace, Cate, and Andrew:-) They had so much fun playing together. Grace loved Cate's tent.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Day in the City

Dan and I had such a wonderful day in NYC. Our date began with a matinee performance of Lombardi. The show was fabulous... Dan's "favorite show ever!" Afterwards, we headed to the Hyatt to meet our dear friends from London... Marie and Mike. We had such a great time catching up and reminiscing. Before dinner at Le Relais de Venise, we stopped for drinks at the Top of the Tower. It was a perfect day! I miss Marie! I wish that we were able to see each other more! She is one of my closest friends from London. Dan and I are so fortunate that we made such wonderful friends while we lived there!
After the show, Dan and I posed with the man himself!
Marie and I at the Top of the Tower.