Monday, August 16, 2010

7 Years of Wedded Bliss

Our dinner at the Colonna's was exceptional last night! We had an unexpected celebration for our 7 year anniversary after having a delicious surf and turf. Dana, Nanny, Poppy, and Terry joined us for a special dessert. Tonight, Dan and I continued the celebration at Cafe Panache. We count our blessings every day. We have made so many amazing memories these last 7 years, and we are so fortunate to be the parents of our two healthy, happy babies. We viewed our wedding video with Grace and Andrew when we got home. Grace called us Cinderella and Prince Charming. While watching, the four of us cuddled and danced. Dan and I enjoyed reminiscing the beautiful day that we became a family.
A family shot at Nana and Grandpa's last night.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Dee and Dan!
    Nothing matters in the whole wide world.... When you're love with a Jersey girl....
