Monday, July 5, 2010

Little Fishies & Mary Poppins

Bernadette Grace is making progress at her swim lessons:-) She really likes her new instructor, Melanie. Her favorite swim activities include: making big splashes, blowing bubbles, and jumping into the pool!
Andrew had his first "Mommy and Me" swim lesson today! It was a lot of fun! We sang Ring Around the Rosie and Down By the Station. Andrew is very comfortable in the water, and he loves to kick his legs! He's such a little fish!
Andrew enjoyed spending time with our instructor, Dolly. She has been a fixture at the Park Ridge Pool ever since I was Andrew's age:-)

We went to Bookends tonight for a book signing. After waiting in line for well over an hour, we were happy to meet Julie Andrews! Grace loves her newest children's book, The Very Fairy Princess! We were a little disappointed when we first arrived and found out that photos and personalizations were prohibited.
However, I managed to sneak in this photo while waiting in line:-) We also had Grace's book personalized to "Princess Bernadette" because Julie accidentally made a mark in our book while we were conversing about London. We had a SUPERcalafragalistiexpialadocious night!

1 comment:

  1. I am so envious! I love her. I'd have gone up to her singing and dancing, How do you solve a problem like Maria... Then I'd have started belting out all my favourite songs.
    These are a few of my favourite things!
